2016 Best of the Net Nominations

We're so thankful to the many talented writers that publish their work in Lime Hawk. This year, we're proud to nominate the following works of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry from issues [6], [7], [8], and [9] for Sundress Publication's Best of the Net series. Good luck, writers!


Chief White Bird of Porterville Junction / Doug Cornett

Soft Focus / Simon A. Smith

Creative Nonfiction

Flash in the Pan / Ben Twombly

The Santera in #4209 / Beverly Tan Murray


Chains / Petra Kuppers

Worm and Gold Leaf / Nic Sebastian

Some Women / Terry Ann Thaxton

In Which She Feeds Him the Universe / Anders Villani

Rachel Carson's Ghost / Donelle Dreese

Cracked Earth to Valleys, or All the Flower People / Jennifer MacBain-Stephens

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