Lois Marie Harrod
Bisbee Apaches by Roger Leege
for the earth is filled with violence
      —Gen VI. 13
but not the fist fight you witnessed in Venom
behind those oscillating bars of red Kolkata lights
and not your hand bashed like a ping ball
at Dr. Pong’s table in that Berlin dive
and certainly not the sign covered in plastic
and taped to the plane tree in memoriam
Mary Clare et Elizabeth from their families
in Ireland and their friends here in Rome
no explanation for implied brutality,
crash? mugging? though you imagine
the girls were tourists like yourself,
no, not that kind of damage, anonymous,
but the small acts of malice, that smooth email
from a friend, you thought a friend,
that lists your faults and flailings one by one–
all unintended, all unimagined–
in the maim of love.
Camera Obscura
Sometimes after we have made love
I am left lying on my belly
beneath the camera obscura,
a world outside–
the streets of our little town
which we could follow
all the way to the White Mountains
that run between my shoulder blades
and down the valley of my spine
to my hips which seem to be floating on out
to that great sea
from whence we came.
Hangnail Sun
That glimpse
of hot tissue
at the base of
dawn, the spike
at the quick
it closes,
the slick wound
to open some-
where on.
Lois Marie Harrod’s thirteenth and fourteenth poetry collections, Fragments from the Biography of Nemesis (Cherry Grove Press) and the chapbook How Marlene Mae Longs for Truth (Dancing Girl Press) appeared in 2013. The Only Is won the 2012 Tennessee Chapbook Contest (Poems & Plays), and Brief Term, a collection of poems about teachers and teaching, was published by Black Buzzard Press, 2011. Cosmogony won the 2010 Hazel Lipa Chapbook (Iowa State). She is widely published in literary journals and online ezines from American Poetry Review to Zone 3. She teaches Creative Writing at The College of New Jersey. Read her work on
Roger Leege, writer and visual artist (MA, Goddard College), draws on his past as a lawn boy, meat cutter, storyteller, trucker, EMT, poet, carpenter, bass player, painter, embalmer’s assistant, printmaker, analog photographer, journalist, videographer, educator, computer scientist, and bohemian family man to create words and pictures that question comfortable assumptions. His recent exhibits and publications include galleries and print and online journals in the US, Canada, and the UK. Portfolios reside online at, and serves for custom printing, framing, and online sales.