Genefluct for Me, Ananda, Sir, and Ships at Sea

Benny Biesek

Birthed when the time was night, a hundred shooting stars.
Birthed so as to know man, not the face or the body of man.
Looked up and out and to the oceans

And dove in because she chose to, not because he had to.
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius,
So says the blind man when the lights are off

And no one is around.
Birthed when the time was right,
A hundred fired at the fallen star.

Birthed so as to know Providence and Forgiveness and All kinds of Sin.
This is the dawn of time and Space, so said the deaf man
To the blind with the lights all fallen like

A hundred shooting stars all at once,
You know?

1.   1. Hello
2.   2. Explanation – why the position was not working well
                      a. Didn’t have right skill set
                      b. Felt overwhelmed
                      c. Not having the right skill set… left b/c of this, primarily
3.   3. Forgot about possibility of graphic design work – would have enjoyed doing that
4.   4. Would have enjoyed learning to work front desk
5.   5. (Any additional items...)
6.   6. Close w/ Thank You

The body of the saintly nun was anointed and on the run is
The poet whose ears bleed out and it is in the passage of time
That the scale broke and the lands shook.

Bowed and did not wish to go ashore, didn’t have the means
To do otherwise however. Birthed like a miracle
On land when the choice is ‘go in on the Federation or cut’

Across land like a knife and let a brew of chamomile
And peppermints catch in your throat
So that you cough up all over

Yourself and we love you. The body of a saintly woman
Was counted and is not for sale, so is the poet who blesses
Himself with the body of Christ and the passage of wine

And fish upon platters and the grass bent, bowed like
Insignificant grass, which is always the case.
Do otherwise, however.

Bend like at miracles on land and when the time is right
And you have nowhere else to go, head East and travel hard
And when you make it you shall know, know, know.

Benny Biesek is a former contributor to Lime Hawk and other journals not mentioned here. He is a freelance editor of literature and arts, as well - most recently with Blind Literary Journal and now with Carpe Noctem Review. Of note, he has published Letters to the Editors with Mustang Daily and Esquire.